Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Business as usual.

I had to chuckle at the idea that the elections this year were all about mavericks. Fred Thompson telling the RNC delegates, big donors and hierarchy elite last night that McCain and Palin take on the mysterious, unnamed (I guess only Alaskan) elite was too much. Reminded me of the cellular commercial where the big shot executive tells his underling how he loves sticking it to the man!

...But, you ARE the man replies the puzzled underling.

Same goes for Obama and Biden. Policy wise, they are no different from your run of the mill Democrat, except they lack any substantial anti-war rhetoric. Doesn;t surprise me really. Can they get elected with it intact and flowing?

Just goes to show how easily the revolutions of today are already gobbled up by the major entertainment industries and sold back to us as cool innovations. Make sure you get your t-shirt telling us all you were there! Woo-hoo.
Drink your Kool-aid, watch the lovely models and shut up.

This report, if true doesn't bode well.

While Gov. Palin is introduced to what really matters, the eternal war lobbies. She's already got her flag! True, she's lovely and smart and capable. All of them are. I do not pretend to know their souls and assume them each and all to be accomplished adults. But me thinks she's also a product of the gospel of rapture theology so prelevant in America and quite easily hijacked by many to effect the results they want while Christians gaze at clouds and check off prophetic crossword puzzles.

Sure, I care about an African-American or a Female being elected to high office and thats wonderful, really. But I guess I care more about my two sons, of draft age in 5-6 years, and where they will be asked to bleed out for as Empire struggles to hold onto her grasp.

Dual citizenship never had more perks. I don't want to use it but it's always on the table of my mind. Let the reader with ears to hear, do so.

What is not 'business as usual' is my second son Brandon. He turned 12 today.

Happy Birthday Brandon! I love you. While the empire does all in its power to attract and compromise you, here I stand, your dad and servant, I can do no other.

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