I agree almost entirely with your well written post. The issue of ____ is damning to say the least. However, the outlook is still skewed. The majority of Americans STILL do not care about the _____. Tweeters and bloggers seem perturbed but from the vast amount of people I speak to all I get is a shrug. Maybe followed by, "yea, I figured that was happening."
When the Occupy movement said it was being targeted, Many American onlookers said, "You are rather full of yourselves to think that, no?" But when recently it was proven to be the case these same people said, "Well, you should have expected that, no?"
My belabored point? The issue is not knowledge. One more conversation, one more fact, one more story, one more detail that we, unlike you, are missing and just need to have in order to straighten out –– will not cure us. Won't even lead to a cure. Doubtful it could put us on a path that might eventually lead to a vista where we could then see the cure with binoculars.
I lack action. Action is understanding. Understanding without action is really not understanding at all.
A commitment to live a certain way that will definitely (inevitably!) bring suffering to me. If there is a way to become the despised ones, that is it. To live as one who serves one master come hell and high water. And come they will. Until I take responsibility for what I do, and I would assume millions of Christians do likewise (though my commitment is not conditioned by theirs), we shall all point and blame whatever our twitter feed tells us too. The whiplash never ends. By Monday a new scandal will be revealed. In between work, school, little league and HBO of course. That's not to say you failed to outline the problems. You do so quite well.
But the reset button is in your hand. A button looking exactly like yours, is in my hand. The reset will up end everything I ever wanted to be and I will cease to be anything of value to this world. But I will have the inward joy of serving only one master.
Will I press mine? Can I part with all I hold dear? No, I can't. I'm afraid. So I'm going to blame ________ instead. Yes, after a good blog and tweet and pithy comment, my soul will feel better and I can avoid the despair of pressing that reset button for another day.
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