How they voted on the Bailout bill HERE.
Indiana (Yes is for it, No is against it.)
Name: Party: District: Vote
Hill (D) (D-09) No
Ellsworth (D) (D-08) Yes
Carson (D) (D-07) No
Pence (R) (D-06) No
Burton (R) (D-05) No
Buyer (R) (D-04) No
Souder (R) (D-03) Yes
Donnelly (D) (D-02) Yes
Visclosky (D) (D-01) No
Baron Hill is my rep. and so I say good job! Now, he'd better keep up the No's as Paulson is hardly done and he can always print the money if he wants. Wanker.
Chandler (D) (D-06) No
Rogers (R) (D-05) Yes
Davis (R) (D-04) No
Yarmuth (D) (D-03) No
Lewis (R) (D-02) Yes
Whitfield (R) (D-01) No
Gridlock never looked so lovely. Despite it being a White house initiative,Republicans scattered and despite a Democrat majority in the House, (all the Dems needed to win was to just all vote yes, as Pelosi asked) they bucked.
The pundits are dumbfounded. No time for polls so they could look smart.
That's not to say I don't think this is an extremely important financial moment and worthy of attention. But the bail out is nonsense and the markets will correct. We shall have to bite the bullet. But Jesus is still Sovereign and Empire may not be the best option fellow citizen.
Note that the spending on next years military budget went UP, not down or even just flatlined but...up. Yea, crisis my asses. Oh, by the way, you also sent 25 billion to subsidize the automakers too. Some people never learn.
I don't care if my 401-K totally evaporates. Maybe my employement will dry up. But If we can roll back this empire, I'm for it. One battle at a time. My offspring deserve a better solution than a quick fix without any debate just so I can keep drinking starbucks and playing XBox in the suburbs.
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